- How does Environmental Hydrology differ from Classical Hydrology? Be specific.
- What types of constructed wetlands are there? What is the primary purpose of a constructed wetland?
- Describe the sequence of biochemical transformation in wetland soils, and their relation to redox potential.
- Describe the solution for cleaning the Tlaxiaco river. Why is the proposed solution better than
conventional wastewater treatment?
- What is the flood pulse concept? Where does the flood pulse occur? How does the flood pulse increase ecosystem productivity?
- How has the leveeing of rivers affected stream hydrology, hydraulics, and ecology?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of levees?
- Why is eutrophication generally regarded as bad for the environment? What is the only effective long-term
measure to deal with phosphorous deposits in lakes that have been subject to eutrophication?
- Why are reservoirs located in the midlatitudes, while lakes are either in tropical or temperate regions?
- Why is irrigated agriculture saddled with the prospect of nonsustainability?
What can be done to cope with this menace?
- What is the current salinity of the Salton Sea? What is the origin of the salts that enter the sea?
What is, in your opinion, the most important issue in the defense of the sea?
- What is the main use of bulk sodium chloride?
- Describe the relations between climate, wetland resources,
water resources, and irrigated agriculture in the Ojos Negros valley. What is the calculated rate of groundwater
depletion? What is the main reason for the depletion?