FALL 2009
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2009, 1900-2015

Name: ______________________ S.S. No. ________________ Grade: _________

Instructions: Closed book, closed notes. Use engineering paper. When you are finished, staple your work in sequence, and return this sheet with your work.

  1. Explain the physical basis for the boomerang-shaped flood-peak-stage/date-of-occurrence relation at the Ladario gage in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso.

  2. What is the Leopold matrix? How are impacts evaluated in the Leopold matrix?

  3. How does conversion of runoff to evapotranspiration (by irrigation) increase salinity in the land?

  4. Why is the ocean salty?

  5. Why is it a fallacy to state that tropical rainforests such as the Amazon will help in sequestering excess carbon from fossil-fuel burning? Explain.

  6. How long are global phosphate resources likely to last? Which sulphur compound is odiferous, and which is not?

  7. What processes take part in the nitrogen cycle? How does nitrogen enter the biosphere? How does nitrogen escape from the biosphere?

  8. Why is it necessary to have alternate periods of aerobiosis and anaerobiosis in a wetland to close the nitrogen cycle? How did the early inhabitants of the Llanos de Mojos manage to interrupt this natural process?

  9. What is DO? What is a typical value of DO in clean waters? What is BOD? What are typical BOD values in domestic wastewaters? What is the DO sag curve? What two reaction parameters does it depend on?

  10. How do ecological latrines work? How do they differ from conventional latrines?

  11. What is redox potential? What does it describe? What redox potential (mV) describes aerobic conditions? What redox potential (mV) describes anoxic conditions? What redox potential (mV) describes anaerobic conditions? Describe the time sequence of oxidation-reduction in newly flooded wetland soils. What is methanogenesis?