FALL 2008
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2008, 1900-2015
Name: ________________________ Red ID: ______________________ Grade: ___________
Instructions: Closed book, closed notes. Use engineering paper.
When you are finished, staple your work in sequence,
and return this sheet with your work. Answer only ten (10) questions.
- What is the only factor affecting the quantity of precipitation that is subject to
anthropogenic alteration? Explain.
- Explain L'vovich's approach to the water balance and how does it differ from the
conventional approach.
- Explain three (3) properties of water (H2O) that make it unique among other competing chemical compounds
existing in Nature. Where is the primeval (original) source of water?
- Explain the stages in the historical development of evaporation formulas, from Dalton to Shuttleworth-Wallace.
- What four variables are considered in the Papadakis-Kazan and theoretical formulas for time of concentration?
- Why is the Mockus approach to runoff generation better than Horton's? How did Mockus arrive at his formula? What important variable
is implicitly considered in the AMC (antecedent moisture condition)?
- What is albedo? What is the mean albedo of the Earth's surface?
How does albedo vary from rain forests to deserts?
- Why is Budyko's model of the water balance important in surface-water hydrology?
How do the water balance coefficients Kc, Kd, and Kr vary across the climatic precipitation spectrum?
- What is the value of mean annual global terrestrial precipitation?
Why is the middle of the climatic precipitation spectrum likely to
be optimum for sustainability? Explain.
- Explain the concept of ford-bridge. Where is is applicable?
Why are aquifer parameters obtained from baseflow recession likely to be more
representative than those obtained from pumping tests?