WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 2005, 1900-2100

Name: _______________________ RED ID ____________________ Grade: _______

Instructions: Open book, closed notes. Use engineering paper. When you are finished, staple your work in sequence, and return this sheet with your work.

  1. (QUESTIONS, 100%) Answer all the following questions with a brief statement:

    • What is the difference between potential and actual evapotranspiration? Where does it evaporate more, in a desert or in a rain forest? Explain.
    • Why is the objective of ecosystem conservation management in a semiarid ecosystem to preserve the ratio between evapotranspiration and evaporation? Why is evapotranspiration better than evaporation from a conservation standpoint? Explain.
    • Why did the BLM fence Camp Creek in Oregon? What causes gullies like the one in Camp Creek to develop?
    • Why did Woolhiser and Liggett switched their research emphasis from dynamic to kinematic wave modeling in the mid 1960s?
    • What is the basis of the Clark method of unit hydrograph generation? Is the Clark method lumped or distributed? Is the modified Clark method included in HEC-HMS lumped or distributed?
    • Why is baseflow recession better than pump tests to assess regional aquifer characteristics? What aquifer characteristic, other than size, determines baseflow recession?
    • How do distributed methods (overland flow) fare in relation to lumped methods (unit hydrograph) in watershed modeling? What are their advantages and disadvantages when scale is taken into account?
    • Why is it generally better to do a watershed model for flood analysis than to use statistical analyses based on long-term records?
    • What is the apparent reason for the asymptotic behavior of the sediment rating curve, toward constant sediment concentration at high water discharges? What is the theoretical value of the sediment-transport function [gs = f(v)] that would result in constant sediment concentration?
    • What is the apparent cause of global warming? How does it affect hydrologic practice? What can you do about global warming?

  2. (ESSAY, 20% bonus) Write a 300-word essay on either of the following topics:

    1. Argue convincingly in favor of the NRCS runoff curve number method (point its strengths, while minimizing its weaknesses).
    2. Argue convincingly against the NRCS runoff curve number method (do the opposite).