FALL 2003
NOVEMBER 22, 2003; 45 minutes.

Name: _____________________ S.S. No. ________________ Grade: _______

Instructions: Open book, open notes. Use engineering paper. When you are finished, staple your work in sequence, and return this sheet with your work.

  1. (40%) Use the Clark method to derive a 1-h unit hydrograph for a catchment with the following time-area diagram:

    Time (hr)        0       1       2        3        4         5        6
    Area (km2)        12     20      42       66       30      16

    Use K= 2 hr, and Delta t= 1 hr.

  2. (60%) Please answer the following questions briefly:

    1. What are the differences between surface water and groundwater? Explain.
    2. What is the contribution of Rorabaugh in hydrology?
    3. What is the difference between lumped and distributed catchment models? Is the ModClark lumped or distributed?
    4. How did the Alamar flood hydrology study evaluate the effect of lining the 10-km channel with concrete?
    5. Why is sediment production different that sediment yield?
    6. What is the cause of global warming? To what can it be attributed?