In the early seventies, I was employed as a civil engineer with a consulting firm in Lima, Peru. My job entailed frequent visits to the field, and I often found myself supervising technicians.

One day, an assistant asked me what was the meaning of "f/stop." Knowing little photography at the time, I hesitated to give an uninformed opinion, so I told him that I would give him an answer later.

That evening, I purposely visited a friend and borrowed a couple of photography books from him, which I proceeded to read avidly. I learned the meaning of the f/stop but, more importantly, the experience launched my initiation into photography. My interest continued long after I got back to my assistant with the correct answer.

Over the course of my career, photography has been for me both a pleasure and a passion. The quality of the pictures featured on my website would not have been possible had an assistant not challenged me early on the meaning of the f/stop.


Olmeca statue at Parque La Venta, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico.

Olmeca statue at Parque La Venta, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico.