In the late 1990s, I invited a former graduate student, who was very successful in his practice, to give a guest lecture in one of my classes. After the lecture was over, one of the students in the audience asked him what he thought about our graduate program. He said, in a voice loud enough so that I could not help but overhear it:

"It is great. I recommend it highly. There are three professors: Chang, Ponce, and Stratton. Prof. Chang wrote everything on the board; you didn't want to miss anything, because it was going to be on the exam. Prof. Ponce was teaching us for the future, so you didn't have to write anything down. Prof. Stratton threatened to flunk us all on the first day of classes, so we were forced to study very hard. All three professors were quite different and, as a matter of fact, complemented each other very well."


Roll waves on spillway at Turner dam, near Valley Center, <br>San Diego County, California, spilling on February 24, 2005

Roll waves on spillway at Turner dam, near Valley Center,
San Diego County, California, spilling on February 24, 2005.