Dear Prof. Mladenov:

The Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Department Personnel Committee has evaluated the materials that you submitted for reappointment to the rank of assistant professor. I am pleased to inform you that the Committee recommends that you be reappointed to a third probationary year.

The Committee considers your teaching effectiveness to be very good. Your teaching evaluations are above the departmental average, which is a positive beginning. The students note that you are an effective teacher, being able to communicate very well. However, in order to enhance your effectiveness, the Committee recommends that you slow down your teaching style and diversify the lab experience beyond water quality for EnvE 363 - Environmental Engineering Laboratory. Also, you need to provide effective and timely feedback to your students on all assignments and tests.

The Committee considers your professional growth to be very good to excellent. The Committee notes that you have two (2) NSF grants, which are deemed to be very prestigious and competitive. Your efforts to involve students in international research is particularly worthy of praise. The Committee recommends that you focus your efforts on continuing to develop a meaningful research program which is closely linked to your teaching. An intrinsic component of meaningful research is the publication of papers in refereed journals, particularly with your students as coauthors or collaborators.

The Committee considers your service to be very good. The Committee recognizes your contributions in making possible the campuswide Area of Excellence (AOE), by coordinating the work of several SDSU faculty members across the disciplines. To enhance your service to the department, the Committee encourages you to continue to serve on departmental committees and other departmental activities.

You have the right to submit a response or rebuttal in writing to this letter of recommendation. If you choose to submit a written response, it must be delivered to the departmental office by October XX, 2015 using the response/rebuttal form available from the Faculty Affairs website (

Sincerely yours,

Victor M. Ponce

Chair, Personnel Committee
Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Department
