online_scour_hec18:  Calculation of bridge scour using the HEC-18 formula   


Fr1 = v1/(g y1)1/2

ys /y1 = 2 K1 K2 K3 (a / y1)0.65 Fr10.43

[ SI Units (metric):  ys, y1, a, and L in m ]
[ U.S. Customary Units:  ys, y1, a, and L in ft ]
[ Fr = Froude number; g = gravitational acceleration ]


Evaluating Scour at Bridges,
FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 18,
Fifth Edition, 2012.

SAMPLE INPUT      [Main page]     [Description]

To determine the bridge scour depth ys, the calculator requires the following information:

  • Flow depth directly upstream of the pier y1 =  5.334 m

  • Mean flow velocity directly upstream of the pier v1 =  7.15 m/s

  • Pier width in a horizontal direction normal to the flow a =  4.52 m

  • Pier length L =  5.1 m

  • Angle of attack θ of the flow, θ =  0°

  • Pier nose shape, to determine the correction factor K1    Circular cylinder

  • The bed condition, to determine the correction factor K3    Clear-water scour


         Scour depth ys =  10.484 m

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