Faculty Profile - Victor M. Ponce

Visit to Huaraz, Peru [150107]

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With Gustavo Ariza at Langanuco Lake.

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With Alicia Kinoshita at Llanganuco Lake.

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Enjoying a cuy in Ancash, Peru..

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With Jose Monteza on top of Cordillera Negra.

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With Gustavo Ariza on top of Cordillera Negra.

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With Gustavo Ariza and Alicia Kinoshita on top of Cordillera Negra.

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Jose Monteza, Alicia Kinoshita, and Gustavo Ariza at Langanuco Lake, Ancash, Peru.

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Gustavo Ariza and Alicia Kinoshita at Llaca Lake, Ancash, Peru.

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On Llanga River, Ancash, Peru.

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Remnants of a church in Llungai, Ancash, Peru.

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Alicia Kinoshita at Llanganuco Lake, Ancash, Peru.

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At Llanganuco Lake, Ancash, Peru.

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At Llanganuco River, Ancash, Peru.

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Gustavo Ariza at Llanganuco Lake, Ancash, Peru.

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Alicia Kinoshita at Llanganuco Lake, Ancash, Peru.

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Alicia Kinoshita at Lake Chinancocha, Ancash, Peru.

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Towards Llaca Lagoon.

150204 18:30