(25 percent) Given the following design specifications: Q = 400 cfs; b = 20 ft; z = 1; and n = 0.019.
What channel slope is necessary (use two significant digits) to set the normal depth not to exceed 4 ft?
(25 percent) Given the following design specifications corresponding to the Taunsa-Panjad Link Canal, in Pakistan: Q = 19,000 cfs; b = 320 ft;
z = 2.0; and So = 0.00032. What is the value of Manning's n (use two significant digits)
that will keep the normal depth below 12 ft?
(25 percent) Given the following data for three trapezoidal channels:
Type | Q (m3/s) | z | So | n | Vmax (m/s) |
I | 50 | 2.0 | 0.005 | 0.04 | 2.0 |
II | 200 | 2.5 | 0.0065 | 0.03 | 2.3 |
III | 800 | 3.0 | 0.0005 | 0.035 | 1.6 |
in which Vmax = maximum permissible velocity. What is the design bottom width (with accuracy to within one-tenth of a meter) required to satisfy the specified maximum permissible velocity?
(25 percent) Given: Q = 750 cfs; So = 0.0028; and n = 0.024.
Using the permissible tractive force method, design a trapezoidal channel section for the following conditions:
(a) z = 3.0; on sides and bottom: noncohesive material, slightly angular, d25 = 1 in.
(b) z = 2.5; on sides: noncohesive material, slightly angular, d25 = 1 in;
on bottom: noncohesive material with d50 = 1 mm, canal with high content of fine sediment in the water.