(50%) An emergency overflow spillway is being considered for the
East Demerera Water Conservancy, in Guyana, to safeguard the integrity of the dam under conditions of climate change.
Determine the length of the spillway
required to pass the Probable Maximum Flood. Assume that the existing relief sluices are inoperable due to high tailwater during floods.
The following data is applicable:
10,000-yr 1-day precipitation: 428 mm.
Hydrologic abstraction: 13 mm.
Contributing drainage area: 582 km2.
Time base of the flood hydrograph: 4 days.
Dam crest elevation: 18.288 m
Spillway crest elevation: 17.526 m
Freeboard: 0.3 m
Weir discharge coefficient: 1.4
For simplicity, assume a triangular-shaped flood hydrograph. Use all the freeboard to contain the 10,000-yr flood.