No. |
Description | Assigned | Due |
| (Problem on runoff
and groundwater recharge coefficients).
Determine the average values of runoff coefficient Kr and
groundwater recharge coefficient
Kg for the following corresponding 9-yr
annual data set (mm):
Precipitation P: 820, 1016, 1151, 775, 915, 1035, 971, 1004, 803
Runoff R: 91, 141, 257, 79, 69, 281, 181, 191, 182
Surface runoff S: 59, 96, 235, 59, 53, 199, 124, 109, 95
| 211202
| 211209
| (Essay on arid-land
irrigation: 250-300 words).
(a) Describe the pros and cons of the irrigation of arid lands.
(b) Can dryland agriculture be a path to sustainable agriculture?
| 211123
| 211130
| (Problem on salinity control).
Given the consumptive use of a certain crop in an semiarid region equal to CU =
40 in/yr. The electrical conductivity of the irrigation water is: ECiw = 2 dS/m.
The electrical conductivity of the soil extract is: ECss = 8 dS/m.
What is the total amount of water (in/yr) to be applied to the field,
including consumptive use and leaching fraction?
| 211116
| 211123
| (Essay on ecosystem moisture: 150-200 words).
(a) What are the five possible natural sources of moisture for use by
vegetative ecosystems?
(b) What is horizontal precipitation? Which ecosystems are more likely to benefit from it?
| 211109
| 211118
| (Essay on flood pulse: 250-300 words).
(a) Constrast the ecohydrological concepts of river continuum and flood pulse.
(b) Why is the flood pulse concept at odds with the mainstream hydrologic concept of
100-yr flood?
| 211104
| 211109
| (Essay on the Salton Sea: 250-300 words).
(a) In a nutshell, describe the problem of the Salton Sea.
(b) What, if anything, should be done to fix the problem?
| 211021
| 211028
| (Problem on design of oxidation pond).
Design a square-shaped oxidation pond
for 70% BOD removal, to operate
under a sewage load of 60,000 gallons per day. Assume effective pond flow depth D = 1.2 m, fully mixed flow, and
mean January (Northern hemisphere) temperature T = 18 °C.
Use Wilhelm-Werner charts.
| 211005
| 211012
| (Problem on DO sag curve).
Given a stream with mean discharge Qs = 25 m3/s
and project effluent BOD concentration De = 300 mg/L.
What should the effluent discharge Qe (L/s)
be limited to keep the
dissolved oxygen sag curve (DO sag) from falling below
the recommended value of 5 mg/L?
Assume deoxygenation constant kd = 0.35;
oxygenation constant ko = 0.70;
water temperature T = 15 °C; and
stream velocity v = 0.8 m/s.
| 210923
| 210930
| (Essay on ocean sodium chloride: 150-200 words).
(a) What is the primary reason for the
accumulation of sodium chloride in the oceans?
(b) What is the mean concentration? (c) How does it vary
from ocean to ocean?
| 210909
| 210916
| (Essay on glacial lakes: 150-200 words).
(a) Explain the conditions under which glacial lakes are formed in the White Range of Peru.
(b) What is a GLOF? (a) How and why does it happen?
| 210902
| 210909
| (Essay on auto-dredging: 150-200 words).
(a) What is auto-dredging? (b) Explain the underlying
physical mechanism responsible for auto-dredging.
(c) Under what condition(s) is auto-dredging impaired in an alluvial river?
| 210824
| 210831