- Engineering hydrology is based on analysis and measurements.
- Measurements are necessary in order to complement and verify the analysis
(see Legacy Tales: Hydrologists of the third kind).
- Measurements are closely related to hydrologic analysis.
- Statistical hydrology is not possible without measurements.
- All types of hydrologic models benefit from measurements.
- Precipitation is measured with raingages.
- A raingage is an instrument that captures precipitation and measures its accumulated volume during a certain period.
- The precipitation depth is the accumulated volume divided by the collection area of the gage.
- Raingages can be
- In a nonrecording raingage, rain is caught in the collector and funneled to a measuring tube, of area equal to 1/10th
of that of the collection element.
- Recording gages can be of three types:
- tipping bucket,
- weighing mechanism, and
- a float chamber (Page 95).
- The weighing raingage is featured in Page 96.
- The water collected by a raingage is only a small sample.
- A series of raingages constitutes the raingage network.
- Sampling errors increase with rainfall depth.
- Sampling errors decrease with network density, storm duration, and catchment area.
- The greater the duration and the catchment area, the more the temporal and spatial averaging, decreasing sampling errors.
- Error variability in precipitation is likely to be less than the error variability in model calibration.
- Therefore, care should be focused on the calibration rather than on the precipitation.
- Precipitation using telemetry is featured in Page 98.
- Radar systems are a potentially powerful tool for measuring the temporal and spatial variability of precipitation.
- Calibration is necessary when using radar systems to predict precipitation.
- Snowpack measurements are expressed in terms of water equivalent, i.e., the depth of water that is obtained after melting a certain depth of snowpack.
- Water-equivalent data are useful in water-yield forecasts.
- Snowpack must be measured at several points.
- The snowboard is placed on the ground to permit the accumulation of snow over it.
- An inverted raingage cylinder is used to isolate a core of the new snow.
- Replacing the snowboard ready to receive fresh snow allows accumulated total snowfall to be known.
- Density is the volume of melt to the initial volume of the sample.
- Water equivalent of the snowpack can be determined from depth measurements by using known densities of snow.
- The Mount Rose sampler is commonly used in the United States.
- Snow courses are selected with the objective of obtaining representative data from a given area.
- Snow courses are positioned so that they are representative not only of snowfall but also of snowmelt.
- Five snow-course samples points are adequate for well positioned snow courses with a minimum of irregularities caused by drifting or wind erosion.
- Catchment water equivalent is based on point values from several snow courses.
- When snowcourses are distributed equally throughout the range of elevations, an arithmetic average of point values usually provides a satisfactory value
of catchment water equivalent.
- Refinements weigh the data in proportion to its area of coverage.
- Elevation is important in converting point measurements into catchment water equivalent.
- Snow courses tend to be concentrated at higher elevations, and therefore an arithmetic average is not appropriate.
- A snow chart is a plot showing the variation of water equivalent with elevation.
- This chart is used together with the catchment's hypsometric curve (area-elevation curve).
- The catchment's elevation difference is divided into several equal increments.
- For each increment of elevation, a subarea is obtained from the hypsometric curve.
- For each increment of elevation, a water equivalent is obtained from the snow chart.
- A catchment water equivalent is obtained by weighing the individual water equivalents in proportion to their respective subareas.