CIVE 638 - Sedimentation Engineering - Videos - Fall 2020

  1. River mechanics I: Initiation of motion based on Froude number.

  2. River mechanics II : The same question.

  3. Channel morphology I: Einstein on meanders.

  4. Channel morphology II: 1000 years of Mississippi-Atachafalaya river history.

  5. Channel morphology III: Origin of the New river.

  6. Channel morphology IV: Cutback in the New river near Calexico.

  7. Channel morphology V: Time engineering: The singular case of the Salton Basin.

  8. Channel morphology VI: Pongo of Manseriche, Amazonas, Peru.

  9. Channel morphology VII: Hungry water.

  10. Channel morphology VIII: Sediment retention basins: To be or not to be.

  11. Channel morphology IX: Lane relation revisited.

  12. Sediment transport I: Effect of form friction on the sediment rating curve.

  13. Sediment transport II: The sediment rating curve.

  14. Sediment transport III: A three-way split.

  15. Sediment transport IV: Field data of questionable quality.

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