- Catchments possessing some or all of the following properties are midsize in a hydrologic sense:
- rainfall intensity varies within the storm duration.
- rainfall can be assumed to be uniformly distributed in space.
- storm duration is usually shorter than time of concentration.
- runoff is by overland flow and stream channel flow.
- channel storage processes are small and are usually neglected.
- Catchment response is described by methods that take explicit account of the temporal variation of rainfall intensity.
- The most widely used method to accomplish this is the unit hydrograph.
- In the unit hydrograph, a hydrograph for a unit storm is derived, and used as a building block to develop the composite or flood hydrograph.
- The assumption of uniform spatial rainfall distribution is a characteristic of midsize catchment analysis.
- This assumption allows the use of a lumped method such as the unit hydrograph.
- For large catchments, the rainfall varies spatially.
- Large catchments have a substantial capability for channel storage.
- This is because large catchments have large rivers, which usually have mild gradients.
- Mild gradients lead to diffusion and to channel storage.
- This means that large catchments cannot be analyzed with lumped methods such as the unit hydrograph.
- Its is necessary to use channel routing and distributed catchment modeling.
- The upper limit of a midsize catchment is somewhat arbitrary.
- Values between 1000 km2 (400 sq mi) to 5000 km2 (2000 sq mi)
have been used to describe the upper limit of a midsize catchment.
- No consensus to date, but the current trend is toward the lower limit.
- There is a range of sizes which constitutes a gray area between midsize and large.
- The larger the area, the less likely it is that lumping will provide the necessary spatial detail.
- Unit hydrograph techniques can be used as part as distributed models for large catchments.
- A large catchment can be viewed as a collection of midzise subcatchments.
- Distributed models: HEC-1, HEC-HMS, TR-20 (NRCS), HSP-F, SWMM, SSARR (Corps of Engineers), Sacramento (NWS).
- Other models: SHE (Europe), TANK (Japan).
- Channel routing is not restricted to large catchments.
- Channel routing can be used for small and midzise catchments if increased accuracy and data availability warrant more precise
- Distributed computations benefit from channel routing.
- The runoff curve number method is a procedure for hydrologic abstraction developed by the NRCS (ex SCS).
- Runoff depth is a function of total rainfall depth and an abstraction parameter referred to as "curve number" or CN.
- The curve number varies in the range 1-100, being a function of the following runoff-producing properties of the catchment:
- hydrologic soil type
- land use and treatment
- ground surface condition
- antecedent moisture condition.
- The method is based on 24-hr rainfall data.
- The method does not account for temporal variations of rainfall.
- Temporal variations of rainfall are introduced during the conversion of effective rainfall into runoff by means of the unit hydrograph.
- Runoff curve number equations:
See page 156 and page 157
Fig. 5-2
Estimation of runoff curve number from tables
- Tables of CN's for selected hydrologic soil-cover complexes are available.
- The soil-cover complex describes a specific combination of
- hydrologic soil type (group),
- land use and treatment,
- hydrologic condition,
- antecedent moisture condition.
- All these have a direct bearing on the amount of runoff produced by a catchment.
- The hydrologic soil group describes the type of soil and its hydraulic conductivity.
- The land use and treatment describe the type and condition of vegetative cover.
- The hydrologic condition refers to the ability of the catchment surface to enhance or impede direct runoff.
- The antecedent moisture condition accounts for the recent history of rainfall and the moisture stored.
- All soils are classified into four hydrologic soil groups of distinct runoff-producing properties:
- Group A: soils of low runoff potential, having high infiltration rates even when wetted thoroughly.
They are primarily deep, very well drained sands and gravels. High rate of water transmission.
- Group B: soils with moderate infiltration rates when wetted thoroughly,
primarily moderately deep to deep, moderately drained to
well drained, with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures. Moderate rate of water transmission.
- Group C: soils with low infiltration rate when wetted thoroughly,
primarily soils having a layer that impedes downward movement of water
or soils of moderately fine to fine texture. Slow rate of water transmission.
- Group D: consists of soils of high runoff potential, having very slow infiltration rates when wetted thoroughly. They are primarily
clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a high permanent water table, soils with a clay layer near the surface, and shallow
soils overlying impervious material. Very slow rate of water transmission.
- Land use and treatment pertains to the watershed cover, including every kind of vegetation, litter and mulch, fallow (bare soil),
nonagricultural uses (lakes, swamps), impervious surfaces (roads, roofs).
- Land treatment applies mainly to agricultural land uses, and it includes mechanical practices such as contouring or terracing,
and management practices such as grazing control and crop rotation.
- A class of land use/treatment is a combination often found in a catchment.
- The curve number method distinguishes between cultivated land, grasslands, and woods and forests.
- Hydrologic condition: Grasslands are evaluated by the hydrologic condition of native pasture.
- The percent of aerial coverage by native pasture and the intensity of grazing are visually estimated.
- A poor hydrologic condition describes less than 50% aerial coverage and heavy grazing.
- A fair hydrologic condition describes 50 to 75% aerial coverage and medium grazing.
- A good hydrologic condition describes more than 75% aerial coverage and light grazing.
- Antecedent moisture condition (AMC): The curve number method has three levels of AMC
(depending on the total rainfall in the 5-day period preceding a storm).
- Dry AMC: Lowest runoff potential.
- Average AMC: Average runoff potential.
- Wet AMC: Highest runoff potential.
- Table of corresponding runoff curve numbers for three AMC conditions: See page 165
- Estimation of curve numbers from tables:
Assessment of runoff curve number method
- The CN method is simple.
- The CN values are related to major runoff-producing properties.
- The method should be used judiciously.
- The results are sensitive to CN values.
- Standard tables provide helpful guidelines.
- Local experience is recommended for increase accuracy.
- Typical CN's used in design are in the range 55-98.
- The method is sensitive to AMC.
- This appears to be a limitation; however, in nature runoff is also very sensitive to AMC.
- The CN method is a conceptual model to estimate runoff volumes based on established hydrologic abstractions.
- CN's obtained from tables tend to be conservative for midsize and large in arid and semiarid regions.
- Channel transmission losses in washes and arroyos are not properly accounted for by the method.
- Applicability recommended for NRCS-scale catchments: small and midsize.
- Applicability for large catchments has not been validated fully.
- Recent review of the CN method: See Ponce and Hawkins paper
link 3137.
- Interview with Vic Mockus
link 1717.
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Chapter 5B.