The psychrometric constant

Victor M. Ponce

11 March 2014

Abstract. The slight variation of the psychrometric constant γ with temperature has been explained and clarified. The aim is to increase the accuracy of online evaporation calculations.

1.  Bowen ratio

The Bowen ratio is defined as follows (Ponce, 1989):

           Qh                   Ts  -  Ta             p
B  =   ______   =  γ   ____________   ________
           Qe                   es  -  ea          1000

in which B = Bowen ratio; Qh = sensible heat transfer from water body to the atmosphere by convection and conduction; Qe = energy expended in the evaporation process; Ts = water surface temperature, in °C; Ta = overlying air temperature, in °C; es = saturation vapor pressure at the water surface temperature, in millibars (mb); ea = vapor pressure of the overlying air, in mb; p = atmospheric pressure, in mb; γ = psychrometric constant, in mb °C-1 (Note that 1000 has the units of mb).

2.  The psychrometric constant γ

The psychrometric constant γ is expressed as follows:

            cp p
γ  =  __________ 
            rMW λ

in which cp = specific heat of air at constant pressure, in cal gr-1 °C-1; p = atmospheric pressure, in mb; rMW = ratio of the molecular weight of water vapor to dry air: rMW = 0.622, and λ = latent heat of water vaporization, in cal gr-1.

The specific heat of air between 0°C and 40°C is: cp = 1.005 J gr-1 °C-1 = 0.24017 cal gr-1 °C-1. The mean sea-level atmospheric pressure is: p = 1013.25 mb. Therefore, at sea level, the psychrometric constant is:

              (0.24017) (1013.25)
γ  =  ___________________________
                      0.622 λ

which reduces to:

γ  =  ___________

with λ in cal gr-1 and γ in mb °C-1.

For any atmospheric pressure p (mb), the psychrometric constant is:

              0.24017 p
γ  =  ________________
               0.622 λ

which reduces to:

              0.3861 p
γ  =  _______________

with p in mb, λ in cal gr-1 and γ in mb °C-1.

3.  Variation of γ with temperature

Since λ varies with temperature, γ also varies with temperature. Table 1 shows the variation of the psychrometric constant γ with temperature, at standard sea-level atmospheric pressure (p = 1013.25 mb) (Fig. 1).

Table 1.  Variation of psychrometric constant γ with temperature,
at standard atmospheric pressure.

(cal gr-1)
(mb °C-1)
0 597.3 0.655
5 594.5 0.658
10 591.7 0.661
15 588.9 0.664
20 586.0 0.668
25 583.2 0.671
30 580.4 0.674
35 577.6 0.677
40 574.7 0.681


Fig. 1  Variation of the psychrometric constant with temperature,
at standard atmospheric pressure.

4.  Summary

The slight variation of the psychrometric constant γ with temperature has been explained and clarified. The aim is to increase the accuracy of online evaporation calculations (


Fig. 2  Ira Sprague Bowen.


Ponce, V. M. 1989. Engineering Hydrology: Principles and Practices. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.