online_shuttleworth_wallace:   Calculation of evapotranspiration using the Shuttleworth-Wallace method

Solar evaporator at Red Rock Ranch, Panoche Water District, Fairbaugh, California
Solar evaporator at Red Rock Ranch, Panoche Water District, Fairbaugh, California


Δ = (0.00815 Ta + 0.8912)7

rac = rb /(2L)

rsc = rST /(2L)

Ra = (Δ + γ) raa

Rs = (Δ + γ) ras + γrss

Rc = (Δ + γ) rac + γrsc

Rns = Rn e-CL

A = Rn - 0.2Rns

As = 0.8Rns

Cc = 1 / {1 + (Rc Ra) / [Rs (Rc + Ra)]}

Cs = 1 / {1 + (Rs Ra) / [Rc (Rs + Ra)]}

PMc = [ΔA + (ρacpD - ΔracAs) / (raa + rac)] / [Δ + γ {1 + rsc/(raa + rac)}]

PMs = [ΔA + (ρacpD - Δras(A - As) / (raa + ras)] / [Δ + γ {1 + rss/(raa + ras)}]

λEc = Cc PMc

λEs = Cs PMs

λE = λEc + λEs


       [Parameter Ranges]     [Main Page]

Air temperature Ta (°C):  25   

Mean boundary layer resistance per unit area of vegetation rb (s m-1):  25

Mean stomatal resistance rST (s m-1):  400

Projected area of leaf per unit ground area L (dimensionless):  4

Aerodynamic resistance between canopy source height and reference level raa (s m-1):  42

Aerodynamic resistance between the substrate and canopy source height ras (s m-1):  128

Surface resistance of the substrate rss (s m-1):  0

Net radiation flux into the complete crop Rn (W m-2):  400

Vapor pressure deficit at reference height D (Pa):  1000

Extinction coefficient C (dimensionless):  0.7

Atmospheric pressure P (Pa):  101325


♦ Latent heat flux from the plant canopy

λEc :  279 W m-2

♦ Latent heat flux from the substrate

λEs :  37.5 W m-2

♦ Latent heat flux from complete crop

λE :  316.5 W m-2

♦ Evaporation from the plant canopy

Ec :  0.9905 cm d-1

♦ Evaporation from the substrate

Es :  0.1331 cm d-1

♦ Evaporation from complete crop

E :  1.1236  cm d-1

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