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- Factors include location, climate, hydrology, geology, and the physiography and geochemistry of the drainage basin.
- Each of these factors can significantly influence the input of nutrients to a waterbody.
- Climate can affect annual water temperature, length of growing season, direction and velocity of winds, the quantity
precipitation, and the thermal structure of the waterbody.
- Lake productivity is inversely related to latitude and altitude.
- Generally, for a given drainage basin, the greater the rainfall, the greater the quantity of water and nutrients transported to a
waterbody over the annual cycle.
- Transport of sediments does not increase indefinitely with rainfall.
- Sediment trasport and erosion is usually maximal at 300 mm annual precipitation; about 50 mm annual runoff.
- In tropical/subtropical regions, the highest level of biological productivity are usually seen in lakes and reservoirs two to three
months after the rainy season.
- Chemical composition is influenced by the geological composition, size and topography of the drainage basin.
- In watersheds with little or no cultural impact, P is usually supplied to a waterbody by direct atmospheric precipitation
and by weathering and associated runoff.
- Phosphate occurs in igneous rocks in the range of 0.07-0.13%.
- Sedimentary rocks are generally highest in phosphates.
- Other things being equal, differences in nutrient regime are related to the soil fertility.
- Upstream reservoirs serve as sink for sediments, and downstream reservoirs do not show as much nutrients.
- Nutrient inputs are greater in watersheds wih steeper slopes.
- Nitrate in rainfall can increase nitrate in lakes and reservoirs.
- Biological nitrification and denitrification can affect nutrient flux.
Anthropogenic factors
- Lake Washington experienced severe phytoplankton problems resulting from sewage inputs.
- Following complete diversion, it has recovered.
- Other things being equal, lakes located in watersheds with substantial amounts of agricultural or urban land usage are usually more
eutrophic than lakes located in forested watersheds.
- Fundamental factors affecting nutrient and sediment loads from non-point sources include land form, land use intensity,
and usage of materials.
- Land form characteristics refer to soil texture, soil chemistry, type of soils, drainage density, and slope.
- Soil texture is the single most important factor affecting nutrient input to the Great Lakes.
- Greatest surface runoff and associated nutrient inputs was correlated with clayey soils.
- Calcareous soils often produce high P concentrations in land runoff.
- The characteristics of the waterbody can modify the effects of basic factors.
- Mean depth of lake and hypolimnion can substantially affect the impacts of
increased nutrient loads to a waterbody.
- The oxygen content in the hypolimnion during periods of thermal stratification,
and the related processes of water quality deterioration
depend to a large degree on the mean depth of the hypolimnion.
- For the same quantity of phytoplankton produced in the euphotic zone,
the oxygen consumption per unit volume
will usually be much greater in waterbodies with small hypolimnetic mean depths.
- In Baltic lakes, a waterbody of mean depth greater than 18 m is a prerequisite for oligotrophic conditions.
In-lake nutrient sources
- The role of bottom sediments can be a major concern.
- In oligotrophic lakes, a substantial portion of the imported nutrients is retained in the sediments.
- A net deposition of P into the bottom sediments also occurs annually in many eutrophic lakes and reservoirs.
- In overloaded lakes, P can be released from the sediments.
- Sudden reduction in input of P will prompt release from the sediments.
- Release of P from sediments involves physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms.
- Such factors as redox conditions, nitrate concentration, mineralization, gas bubble formation, bioturbation, effects of phytoplankton
and macrophytes, different sediment characteristics, high pH values, diffusion and wind turbulence have been mentioned.
- Water temperature and water renewal are very important.
- These factors chemical and microbiological processes which regulate the exchange of substances between the sediments and the water column.
Flushing rate
- The extent to which nutrients accumulate in a waterbody also depends greatly on both rainfall and flushing rate.
- For example, in closed lake basins in arid regions, dissolved P concentrations can be as high as levels in waste treatment lagoons.
- If the inflow volume Q of a lake or reservoir is very high compared to its volume V, phytoplankton can be flushed out of the waterbody before they
can grow to nuisance levels.
- Experience suggests that a hydraulic residence time greater than about 3 days is a prerequisite for excessive phytoplankton growths.
Biological controls
- Zooplankton can be used to control phytoplankton.
- This is an example of "biomanipulation."
- This technique requires detailed knowledge of the food-wed structure of a lake or reservoir.
Macrophyte growths
- Macrophytes cannot compete with phytoplankton in lakes and reservoirs containing very high dissolved P and N concentrations.
- This is due to the shading effects of high algal densities.
- Submerged macrophytes are usually not present in waterbodies exhibiting dense phytoplankton growths.
- One must be careful that control measures to reduce phytoplankton growth does not produce light conditions favorable to excessive growth of
- Rooted macrophytes depend more on the nutrient content of the sediment than of the water column.
- Macrophytes are relatively insensitive to control by nutrient flushing.
- One must consider the overall impact of controlling macrophytes vs controlling phytoplankton.