Large concentrations of humans in cities produces large quantities of human waste.
Animal husbandry in large scale and concentrations [feedlots] produces large quantities of animal wastes.
If improperly treated and discharged,
these waste accumulations will pollute water bodies and endanger aquatic ecosystems [flora and fauna].
The untreated sewage will have a biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
[usually 300 ppm] which will tax the dissolved oxygen (DO) [usually 8 ppm]
of the body of water.
[Sewage treatment is expensive. Most developing countries usually cannot afford treatment. Example: the New River,
IBWC's sewage treatment plant north of the U.S.-Mexico border at Imperial Beach].
Research and develop suitable alternatives to the flush toilet.
Research and develop more effective sewage treatment processes.
Sanitation alternatives include low-flow toilets, air toilets [if energy source is sustainable],
and dry ecological latrines [for rural areas and developing countries].
People that have never flushed should not be encouraged to flush.