4.5 [A] Design of constructed wetlands: Chapter 3 (EPA)
4.6 [C] Common wetland plants
4.7 [A] Design of oxidation ponds
4.8 [B] Wilhelm-Werner graphs
4.9 [B] Design and performance of waste stabilization ponds
4.10 [A] Design of constructed wetlands
4.11 [B] Cucuchucho constructed wetland, Michoacan, Mexico
4.12 [B] The New River Wetland Project, Imperial, California
4.13 [C] Imperial wetland site
4.14 [C] Brawley wetland site
5. Hydroecology/ecohydrology [Weeks 9 and 10]
5.1 [A] The river continuum concept (Sedell)
5.2 [A] The flood pulse concept (Junk)
5.3 [A] Large river-floodplain ecosystems (Bayley)
5.4 [A] Hydraulic food-chain models (Power)
5.5 [A] Ecosystem management of large rivers and their flood plains (Sparks)
5.6 [B] Plants as indicators of groundwater (Meinzer)
5.7 [A] Vegetated earthmounds in tropical savannas of Central Brazil: A synthesis
5.8 [C] Hummocks photo gallery
5.9 [C] Everglades hummock flow patterns
5.10 [A] Hydrologic and environmental impact of Campo landfill on the hydrology of Tierra del Sol
6. River and lake restoration [Week 11]
6.1 [A] Hydroecological characterization of Arroyo Alamar, Tijuana, Baja California
6.2 [A] Sustainable architecture of Arroyo Alamar, Tijuana, Baja California
6.3 [A] The Salton Sea: An assessment
6.4 [A] Restoration of the Salton Sea using solar still distillation
6.5 [B] Modeling salinity balance in proposed Salton Sea restoration using a diked impoundment
7. Sustainability of agriculture [Week 12]
7.1 Irrigated agriculture: Is it sustainable: Chapter 28 (ASCE)
7.2 [A] The price to pay for agricultural sustainability
7.3 [A] To drain of not to drain
7.4 [A] Sustainable irrigation
7.5 [A] The resource dilemma
7.6 [A] The salinity of rivers (Pillsbury)
7.7 [B] Excerpts from "The salinity of rivers" (Pillsbury)
7.8 [A] The natural function of rivers
7.9 [A] The salt predicament
8. Salinity management [Week 13]
8.1 [A] Sustainable runoff for basin salt balance
8.2 [A] The facts about San Joaquin valley drainage
8.3 [A] A case of drainage: The story of Wellton-Mohawk
8.4 [A] Salinity (ASCE Manual 71)
8.5 [A] Leaching requirements (ASCE Manual 71)
8.6 [A] Hydrologic and environmental impact of the irrigations of La Joya and La Cano
8.7 [A] What to do about the Vitor valley slides?
8.8 [B] The Tiracoma mud volcanoes, Puno, Peru
9. Sustainability of groundwater [Week 14]
9.1 [A] Groundwater utilization and sustainability
9.2 [A] The Tragedy of the Commons
9.3 [A] Sustainable yield of groundwater
9.4 [A] The facts about groundwater sustainability
9.5 [A] Who owns the groundwater?
9.6 [A] Q&A on how much groundwater to pump in a sustainable fashion
9.7 [B] How did Las Vegas get its name?
9.8 [A] Some facts about Sawyer Spring and Ash Creek, Utah
9.9 [A] Sustainable management of water in the Ojos Negros valley, Baja California