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CIV E 632 - Computational Hydraulics and Hydrology --- Spring 2014 --- Syllabus
A. Shallow wave propagation
(Weeks 01, 02, and 03)
A01. Liggett, J. 1975. Derivation of shallow water equations. Book excerpt
A02. Ponce, V. M. and D. B. Simons. 1977. Shallow wave propagation in open-channel flow. Journal paper
A03. Ponce, V. M., R. M. Li, and D. B. Simons. 1978. Applicability of kinematic and diffusion models. Journal paper
A04. Lighthill, M. j., and G. B. Whitham. 1955. On kinematic waves. I. Flood movement in long rivers. Journal paper
A05. Seddon, J. A. 1900. River Hydraulics. Extract
A06. Cunge, J. A. 1969. On the subject of flood propagation computation method (Muskingum method). Journal paper
A07. Hayami, S. 1951. On the propagation of flood waves. Extract
A08. Dooge, J. C. I. 1973. Mathematical simulation of surface flow. Chapter in book
A08. Perez, F. 2010. How to create a graph using Excel and Photoshop. Online tutorial
B. Muskingum-Cunge method
(Week 04)
B01. Ponce, V. M., and V. Yevjevich. 1978. Muskingum-Cunge method with variable parameters. Journal paper
B02. Ponce, V. M., and F. D. Theurer. 1982. Accuracy criteria in diffusion routing. Journal paper
B03. Ponce, V. M., A. K. Lohani, and C. Scheyhing. 1996. Analytical verification of Muskingum-Cunge routing. Journal paper
B04. Ponce, V. M. 1979. Simplified Muskingum routing equation. Journal paper
B05. Ponce, V. M., and P. V. Chaganti. Variable-parameter Muskingum-Cunge method revisited. Journal paper
B06. Ponce, V. M. Muskingum-Cunge routing equations. Online contribution
B07. Ferrick, M. G., J. Bilmes, and S. E. Long. 1984. Modeling rapidly varied flow in tailwaters. Online contribution
C. Kinematic waves
(Week 05)
C01. Ponce, V. M. 1981. Nature of wave attenuation in open-channel flow. Journal paper
C02. Ponce, V. M. 1991. The kinematic wave controversy. Journal paper
C03. Ponce, V. M. 1992. Kinematic shock: Where do we go from here? Proceedings paper
C04. Ponce, V. M. 2011. Kinematic shock: Sensitivity analysis. Journal paper
D. Diffusion waves
(Weeks 06 y 07)
D01. Ponce, V. M. 1986. Diffusion wave modeling of catchment dynamics. Journal paper
D02. Ponce, V. M. 1986. Diffusion wave modeling of catchment dynamics: Discussion and Closure. Discussion, Closure
D03. Ponce, V. M. 1991. New perspective on the Vedernikov number. Journal paper
D04. Ponce, V. M. 1994. New perspective on the convection-diffusion-dispersion equation. Journal paper
D05. Ponce, V. M. 1990. Generalized diffusion wave equation with inertial effects. Journal paper
D06. Ponce, V. M., A. Taher-Shamsi, and A. V. Shetty. 2003. Dam-breach flood wave propagation using dimensionless parameters. Journal paper
D07. Ponce, V. M. 1980. Linear reservoirs and numerical diffusion. Journal paper
D08. Ponce, V. M. 1980. Cascade and convolution: One and the same. Online article
D09. Ponce, V. M. 2010. Causes of runoff diffusion. Online video
D10. Ponce, V. M., and R. D. Aguilar. 2013. Overland flow using the diffusion wave method - One book. Online calculator
E. Dynamic waves
(Week 09)
E01. Ponce, V. M., and A. Lugo. 2000. Modeling looped ratings in Muskingum-Cunge routing. Journal paper
E02. Ponce, V. M., Y. R. S. Rao, and N. M. Mansury. 1999. Time of opening of irrigation canal gates. Journal paper
E03. Ponce, V. M. 2012. Unsteady flow with HEC-RAS. Online article
E04. Ponce, V. M. 2012. Unsteady flow with HEC-RAS. Online video
F. Roll waves
(Week 10)
F01. Craya, A. 1952. The criterion for the possibility of roll-wave formation . Journal paper
F02. Ponce, V. M., and M. P. Maisner. 2005. Verification of theory of roll-wave formation. Journal paper
F03. Ponce, V. M., and P. J. Porras. 1995. Effect of cross-sectional shape on free-surface instability. Journal paper
F04. Molina, J. et al. 1995. Pulsating waves in channelized rivers of the La Paz region. (In Spanish) Journal paper
G. Numerical modeling
(Weeks 11 y 12)
G01. O'Brien, G. G., M. A. Hyman, and S. Kaplan. 1949. A study of the numerical solution of partial differential equations Journal paper
G02. Ponce, V. M., Y. H. Chen, and D. B. Simons. 1979. Unconditional stability in convection computations. Journal paper
G03. Abbott. 1976. A pathology of computational hydraulics. Extract
G04. Ponce, V. M., H. indlekofer, and D. B. Simons. 1978. Convergence of four-point implicit water wave models. Journal paper
G05. Ponce, V. M., H. Indlekofer, and D. B. Simons. 1978. Instability of the Preissmann scheme. Online graph
G06. Cunge, J. A. 1980. Effect of cross-sectional shape on flow velocity. Excerpt
G07. Ponce, V. M. 2007. Numerical properties of implicit four-point finite difference equations of unsteady flow. Technical report
G08. Ponce, V. M. 2011. Unsteady flow with HEC-RAS. Online article
G09. Ponce, V. M. 2012. Unsteady flow with HEC-RAS. Online video
G10. Ponce, V. M. 2007. The convergence of implicit bed transient models. Journal paper
H. Applications
(Weeks 13 y 14)
H01. Ponce, V. M. and A. C. Klabunde. 1999. Parking-lot storage modeling using diffusion waves. Journal paper
H02. Ponce, V. M., Z. Osmoslki, and D. Smutzer. 2009. Large basin deterministic hydrology: A case study. Journal paper
H03. Ponce, V. M. 2008 La Leche River Flood Control Project: Flood Hydrology. Online article
H04. Ponce, V. M. 1985. Celerity of transient bed profiles. Technical note
H05. Ponce, V. M. 1982. Modeling alluvial channel bed transients. Journal paper
H06. Ponce, V. M., and A. Tsivoglou. 1981. Modeling gradual dam breaches. Journal paper
H07. Ponce, V. M. 2000. A convergent explicit groundwater model. Online paper
H08. Ponce, V. M. 1981. Modeling circulation in depth-averaged flow. Journal paper
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